So you can handle all scenarios, RETTERAlarm provides you with the option of managing several emergency services command centres and/or departments. In this respect, these can be assigned to an administrative team. This administrative team can administer all the emergency services command centres to which it is assigned. This is a solution which is ideally suited to fire department managers and commanding officers who, as lead manager, want to manage all the emergency services command centres/departments to which they are assigned on a centralised basis. In addition, however, it is also possible for each emergency services command centre/police department to be given its own login to manage itself.
The user administration feature of RETTERAlarm provides an overview of the emergency services, their personal data, such as address, telephone numbers and email addresses, and the possibility to manage this data. According to the license package, any number of users can be created, edited and deleted again. Once a user has been created, further settings can then be made. For example, departments and attributes can be assigned, and individual rights can also be assigned to each user. The user administration feature provides you with an overview of all active mobile devices that are registered to a user and use the app at your emergency services command centre. For each address and/or mobile phone number, it is then possible to define whether alerts, information or standby enquires are to be issued accordingly.
Importing users via .csv file is also possible.
RETTERAlarm provides the possibility to assign attributes and/or roles to each user. These are shown in the app or via the alert monitor, so that each member of the organisation knows which specific functions the other members have. This helps, for example, when planning call-out duties or during operations, when it must be clear how many team members with breathing apparatus or emergency vehicle drivers are required for the alert. The team members with the required attributes can also be alerted again individually at a later point in time. Attributes including short names can be easily created, deactivated, reactivated, edited or deleted with RETTERAlarm, so that the available resources can always be kept up to date for operations planning.
Emergency services vehicles can be maintained and managed using the vehicle administration. The vehicles receive their own app login, which means they are treated like all other users and can therefore be alerted as well. If an alert is received, the vehicle navigation and tracking of the alerted vehicle via GPS on the alert monitor starts automatically. The vehicles can be individually created, edited and also deleted again.
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